(a.k.a Werebunny)
Kaires is a quiet, pale-skinned girl standing at 5'10". Her unruly, split-color hair is usually tied back with a purple ribbon. Anyone with a sharp eye may notice something about her seems... off.
Kaires is fairly quiet and keeps to herself for the most part. Despite this she is very amiable and will gladly converse with people if given the chance. She is half-human and half-αστρικουνέλι, often dubbed simply as "wererabbits" or similar by humans. Her proficiency in magic is not very high, but she is at least capable of transforming into a small bunny form and a larger bestial rabbit form. Her human form is not foolproof, but it is good enough to fool almost everyone.
Most know her as one of the assistants at the local library, and the daughter of Poppy. Kaires is also a recent high school graduate, so she has a small group of friends around her age.
Those who keep up with the local news and ongoings of Munich may be aware of an incident a few years ago; Kaires was denied hospitalization by her mother despite being involved in a severe physical altercation. Though many rumors spread through the small town, no one truly knows what happened or why her mother refused to admit her. Once the girl had returned to school and seemed to be in perfect health again, everyone shrugged it off as strange and moved on.
She always attempts to deal with situations in a diplomatic way, preferring for things to work out harmoniously when possible. Kai is capable of physical self-defense when needed though, and her athleticism allows her to run quicker than most as well.
Sayer of Myths: Acquaintances. As a fellow monster, Sayer has kept tabs on Kaires from time to time to make sure she's been doing alright. Kai's mother once nearly attacked Sayer in response to this perceived spying, but Kai managed to defuse the situation and prevent the situation from escalating further. Kai has also helped Sayer acquire a magical dagger, which is now part of their personal haven. She is curious about them and admires their knowledge on monsters.
Aspen Davison: Second cousins. Related by blood, Aspen is a second cousin of Kaires on her father's side. Kai lost control once and almost killed Aspen in an accidental rage; Aspen saved herself by knocking Kai out with a baseball bat. They have an amiable relationship despite this, and Kai considers Aspen a dependable person. They are also both estranged from their father's side of the family, which serves as some common though fairly awkward ground between them.
Cerys Hawthorne: Past friends. They've known each other for some time, but they've been distant since Cerys's powers manifested. Cerys saved Kai from another hunter that was trying to kill her, using her magic to scare the hunter off. Cerys does not know that Kai is a monster. The two used to be good friends, and Kai struggles with the idea of letting go of that, but her vitrolic mannerisms damage Kai's faith in Cerys and she keeps her distance.
Poppy Sinlem: Kai's mother. Poppy raised Kai alone, and learned to live among humans to support her daughter. She can be stern and overbearing at times, and the two can be found bickering and arguing fairly often. Still, the two love each other, and Kai appreciates having someone to turn to when she has no one else.