Hall of Fame
Pokémon Y

Grass Fighting Chesnaught
Gender: Male ♂
Nature: Mild
Ability: Overgrow
Somewhat of a clown
Strength Spiky Shield
Low Sweep Seed Bomb

Fire Talonflame
Gender: Male ♂
Nature: Brave
Ability: Flame Body
Quick to flee
U-turn Iron Wing
Flame Charge

Psychic Meowstic
Gender: Female ♀
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Infiltrator
Quick tempered
Thunderbolt Signal Beam
Psychic Shadow Ball

Fairy Sylveon
Gender: Female ♀
Nature: Serious
Ability: Cute Charm
Quick to flee
Psyshock Skill Swap
Shadow Ball Moonblast

Water Ice Lapras
Gender: Female ♀
Nature: Docile
Ability: Water Absorb
Takes plenty of siestas
Body Slam Perish Song
Surf Blizzard

Poison Dragon Dragalge
Gender: Male ♂
Nature: Calm
Ability: Poison Touch
Alert to sounds
Thunder Scald
Sludge Bomb Dragon Pulse
Pokémon Y. Good old Pokémon Y. I know a lot of people really weren't sold on this game, and it does have a lot of shortcomings. However, it means a lot to me from a purely sentimental standpoint. I remember the night I stayed at a friend's house and we stayed up until midnight before all piling into cars and visiting a nearby Wal-Mart to get our games. Of course the employee had no idea what we were talking about and we had to go to a second Wal-Mart, but that's beside the point. I was experiencing Pokémon with friends again in one of the most fun ways I could have! We stayed up into the late hours of the night playing together, exploring the new region together, laughing together.
I beat the game within 48 hours of receiving it. I still think that's my record for fastest time completing a Pokémon game, because I tend to take my time nowadays. On top of that, gen 6 was when I really started to get into the thick of Pokémon mechanics. IVs, EVs, abilities and natures, physical and special attacks or defense, I wanted to learn about all of it. I even participated a little in that niche online community of people who were trying to find people to hatch eggs for them so they'd be shiny... whoof. I also attended a Pokémon VGC Regionals for the first time, which was an incredible experience for me.